
Festivals vs Online

By June 13, 2011No Comments

Today I came across a great case study on the merits and benefits of distributing your film via the internet as opposed to various film festivals.

Every independent film director should definitely take a look at it as it not only brings up interesting points and statistics but also has some really helpful tips on how to get the right viewers to see and share your work.

Tips such as:

  1. Go Vimeo. It has a stronger filmmaking community than YouTube which may hit more viewers, but Vimeo will attract the right viewers—those more likely to pass it on to others.
  2. Post early. Upload the film early Monday morning (12AM EST) to give the film a full 24 hours to rack up views and keep it relevant all week .
  3. Use Short of the Week as a springboard. Feature the film on our site and use our social media outlets to get the word out.
  4. Harness the crew. Make sure everyone associated with the film knows the plan, and shares it with their social networks. With even 8-10 people sharing on Twitter and Facebook (even if no one individually is Mr. Popular) its not hard to get over 1000 impressions which can be enough to reach a critical mass.
  5. Target key influencers. Email a few major blogs and news sites that share an interest in the film’s topic or technique. A key consideration is crafting a good email. As curators of a site  w/ a submit button, we know it is important to look pro. Have a well-designed email with well-written teaser description, something about the context of the making of the film, a blurb about the filmmaker and a hi-quality image. Make it easy for a blogger to turn around and publish without any further follow-up with you.
  6. Keep at it. All day, all week if needed—continue reaching out to new people.

Read full article here. 

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